Wednesday, September 8, 2010

smack spew...

Pleroy's has made a list of people who need to be smacked, in no way does this mean smacking these people is ok, just that they deserve it.  Here they are in no particular order..
  • Ignorant people, who have the opportunity to learn but just don't
  • Smart-ass people, who can't back it up with a little intelligence
  • Most Government employees
  • People who bitch about working, but who don't put in a 40-hour week
  • Anyone associated with America's Got Talent
  • Lazy people who live off the govt's dime (aka our taxes)
  • certain hosts of the View
  • Internet free-loaders, those who search for free wifi from their neighbors
  • Steven Slater, if he wouldn't have gone down the safety slide he wouldn't be on here
  • chronically inattentive parents
  • arrogant waiters
  • Keanu Reeve's dialect coach for Dracula
  • Loud cell phone talkers, 
  • people who make smack in the face lists
  • the genius who thought turning Bewitched into a movie was a great idea
  • people who constantly ask for favors but give none in return
  • meteorologists who say "It's gonna be a hot one" in the middle of July
  • anyone who is mean to animals
  • people who prejudge someone because they have an R or a D before their name
  • non-tippers
  • someone who orders food from a restaurant five minutes before the kitchen closes
  • pretentious assholes
this is just a list and in no way encompasses everyone that deserves a smack or two

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